Limited guitar technique.
Better at guitar than piano – but knows it (“Oh Steinway, I’m not worthy”)
Shy and sweetly self-deprecating.
I can’t make out most of the lyrics.
I could listen to that voice all night.
Said she enjoyed jamming with Bert Jansch, (which was funny because she already had me thinking of Sandy Denny) so is she part of the UK folk/rock pantheon now?
The only song I knew was She Cries Your Name and even then only because it contains the melodic hook from the Strange Cargo version. But that’s an advantage in some respects for both of us – I wasn’t disappointed she didn’t do any particular personal favourites, and she didn’t have to do the same set she always does. Although maybe she did. I wouldn’t know.
Four stars.
(Footnote: Really nice, simple, effective lighting design too.)
It’s James (ie: chap who moved to Melbourne, used to drink your tea and kip on your couch, listen to your music recommendations, bad keyboard player for Lux etc…) – I’ve been trying to track you down, just with the express purpose of saying hi, really, for some time. Hope you’re well….
PS: I note the Dave Vanuian do in your Sevs performances, and I approve, haha.
Hah. Well I suppose it’s better than all the Tim Finn comparisons I’ve been getting..