DJ 2 Minute Noodle is the stage name of a middle aged Australian bloke who works in IT and likes to think he knows a thing or two about electronic music. Partly by having been a practitioner of it at various stages of his life, but mostly by way of listening to all sorts of it since hearing his first BBC Radiophonic Workshop album at age 3. (Or so he’s told.)
He is currently working on a third album with his band Kl(aüs) as well as refreshing some old and writing some new tracks with his partially reformed band from 1992 called Now:Zero. He is also currently not responsible for exhuming the carcass of Severed Heads which he toured with from circa 2010 until its alleged death and burial in 2019 (aged 40yo)
(Actually I can’t bear writing about myself in third person.)
The banner images on this site were all taken by me so I should probably claim some such or other legalese on them – but, whatever. The main thing is I hope you like them.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering if this blog is defunct. Answers on a postcard please.