Hello. Small world…

Well here it is, Yet Another Blog. Welcome. As I’m reactivating my dormant music-making gene, I feel invigorated and inspired to write a bit about my experiences and thoughts on music in general and electronic music in particular.

The plan is that posts here will generally take one of the following forms:

  • To begin with I’ve got a couple of ideas for Top x lists, with follow up posts to expand on individual items on those lists.
  • As a project to brush up on my writing skills, I’m thinking of trying to condense years of pub blather with musical friends into something a bit more focussed, and in the process maybe clarify my own thoughts on these matters a bit more. This would also be a good place to make long-form written responses to Things I’ve Seen On The Internet.
  • Archives: I have a stack of old Electronics & Music Maker magazines that to the best of my knowledge (ie I spent 5 minutes searching with Google) haven’t been put online in any complete form. The late seventies and early eighties were an important time in the development of electronic music and what better way to reminisce on the changes taking place then but with a look back at my teenage self’s favourite reading material. (No sniggering up the back, please)
  • Similarly there’s a stack of old vinyl records that really should just be binned – but not before I have a good chuckle at the likes of Klaus Wunderlich and his Organ. (I said stop with the sniggering Smythe!  And no, I’m not going to rip and upload them for you!) I’ve also got some old demo tapes of my own work going back to 1979. Mostly it’s rubbish – but what is the internet for if not for filling it with rubbish in the name of self-promotion.
  • I’m doing a lot of toying with iOS apps for music, and I figure a review or two wouldn’t go astray by way of giving something back to the interwebs that’s helped me so much over the years. If I can find the gear reviews I wrote for a few local EM magazines back in the early nineties, they might make it up here too.

I’m going to try and stick to talking about music with electronics in it for the most part. (There, I’ve just broadened my scope by not calling it Electronic Music!) If it works out that I can keep up the writing, I’ll be sure to pontificate on my other favourite pub pontification subjects elsewhere.

So there you have it. I’m still tweaking the site layout and other wordpress joojoos, so please bear with me on that – but now at least I’ve written my first post and I’m ready to launch. There’ll be no fanfare – no running up and down the aisles, or bleeding of ears – just this and nothing more, at least for now. Stay, as they say, tuned…


Footnote: The work that goes with managing comments puts me off the idea of having them on this blog. If I could keep it to the level of “pub discussion with actual real-life people” then maybe… but I’ve been around, and I’m dubious. Tell me what you think in the.. er.. comments.